Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Can You Hear Me Cry

Can you hear me cry?
A question that nags at me
Every night and day 
As I sleep and wake, oh wait!
I don't do that anymore.

Can you hear me cry?
A question that torments my mind
Whose answer I cannot find
Because there's none to be found
Because apparently, you do,
And apparently, you don't.

Do you feel my pain 
When my sons and daughters,
My treasure and gold
Are slaughtered and maimed like in the days of old?

Do you feel my sorrow
When you turn my predicament into a trend
To like, and repost 
To share and retweet
And go on with your life 
Like nothing happened
Yes! Like nothing happened

See, you...see them floating down rivers
You see them thrown into pits
You see them lying in the streets
But it doesn't get to you, does it?
Coz let's face it, TIA
This Is Africa
It also happened in our countries at one point
Didn't it?

So we scroll past their pictures
And we feel more pity for Paris
Hell, we declare national mourning days for Charlie
Has anyone heard of a mourning day for December 12th?

My name is Burundi
And today I'm calling on you
To not care for my orphans 
But to stop them from becoming orphans
To not rebuild my shattered self
But to protect what I've accomplished myself
To not let 'Never again'
Turn into 'Again and Again'
My name is Burundi
And this is not a poem
This is a cry for help


On a personal note:
1. Bad things happen when good men do nothing (Martin Luther King)
2. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter (Martin Luther King)
3. The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis (Dante: The Divine Comedy)

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